This week, we will be making more willow animals for our Nativity scene. The main job is going to be creating a Camel to hang out and keep company with the fabulous Reindeer. We will also be making some more wreath bases.
In the kitchen on Saturday, we will be making a lovely dark and spicey fig chutney.
Still on the Christmas theme, we have some fun ideas for crafting xmas decorations this year. For these, we need any colourful (empty) drink cans (think San Pellegrino, Craft Breweries etc.), any colourful seed or art catalogues, any pine cones, acorn cups, or interesting dried seed heads foliage or flowers. Bring them along any time Thursday to Sunday 10am to 4pm. Big thanks!
The leaves are falling fast from the trees so we will keep raking them up to prevent the paths from becoming slippery with fallen leaves. The leaves will be put in our leaf litter compost bay which is the smallest bay under the oak tree labeled ‘leaves only.’
There are some seedlings to pot on – Lychnis Coronaria and Salvia Turkistanica – both grown from saved seeds.
The last of our vegetable bed preparation will involve scattering field beans on the remaining beds that were weeded and applying a good layer of well rotted compost from our compost bays. We will also plant over-wintering broad beans in the corner of the lower garden.
In other news, Sally’s morning (11 to 12.30) and afternoon (2 to 3) yoga classes continue at Station Hall above Herne Hill Station. For more info and to book go here
Andy’s Tai Chi on Saturdays (9 to 10) continues outdoors. To book go here
In other news, read the exciting proposed plans for Brockwell Hall’s restoration here and here. These plans are now in with Lambeth planning and will soon be submitted to the Heritage Lottery. Brockwell Park Community Partners invite you to comment on the plans by visiting the above links. The consultation will run until Thursday 5 November 2020. Comments can be left on the Lambeth website or on Lambeth’s Planning Portal. Or you may email BPCP at brockwellparkcommunitypartners
Help Loughborough Farm reach their fundraising target so they can continue their fantastic work in the community. Read more about their campaign here. Deadline is Friday October 30th.