Volunteer Christmas Party and AGM Update
The BPCG AGM will be postponed until Sunday 26th November at 11.30am. More details were sent to members on Tuesday 31 October – check your junk/spam if you can’t find it.
We will be having our Christmas Party for all BPCG volunteers after the AGM from 1.30pm. Whether you come to garden, to cook, to help with children and family sessions, or with events… (the list goes on!), everyone is welcome to come together to celebrate this year and share food and drink. Bring a dish or a bottle.
Let us know if you can make it – RSVP here. Looking forward to seeing you there!
In the Garden this Week
This week we will be potting up the first of our range of sales bulbs which we will grow on over winter in the greenhouse, so the plants will be ready to sell on our shop in the spring.
We will be planting a number of different Hyacinth bulbs including White Pearl, Gipsy Queen, Kronos, Sky Jacket, Woodstock and Gypsy princess.
We will also pot up an attractive dwarf daffodil, Narcissus Martinet. Dwarf daffodils are ideal for pots, planters and rockeries as they only grow to about 15cm tall, and if you have a garden they are attractive planted under trees where they will naturalise and spread over time to produce swathes of yellow blooms each spring.
As autumn approaches the tree leaves are starting to fall. This means it is time for us to cover our pond with a net in order to stop the oak trees leaves falling into the pond. Without a net there would be a build up of decaying leaves in the water over winter which is not good for pond life.
Our other autumn job this week is to harvest or coppice willow rods from which we will make wreath bases for our Christmas wreath making workshops.
Time is running our for our nasturtium plants that will soon die once they experience the first hard winter frost, so with this in mind we are picking as many nasturtium leaves as possible to make the last of this year’s nasturtium pesto.