DRAFT Minutes of trustees’ meeting on 14th November at Chatsworth Way


In attendance: Chris Smith (Chair), Andrew Oxley (Treasurer), Sarah Wales (Secretary), Kate Sebag (Director), Derek Hoare, Liz Day, David Roy, Antonia Gross.


Apologies: Lucie Russell, Alice Noakes


Observing: Dr Ann Kingsbury and Susy Hogarth from Brockwell Park Community Partners


  1. Proposal for co-option of Alice Noakes: Chris proposed co-opting Alice as an additional

trustee for the 2018/19 term and Alice’s co-option was agreed in accordance with article 27.2.


  1. Brockwell Park Community Partners (BPCP): Dr Ann Kingsbury gave an overview of the BPCP structure and its role as a conduit between the borough and park users. There is potential for BPCG to attend the Park Management Team meeting and the Brockwell Strategic Partnership Board which would be a good forum to discuss the upcoming barn project.


  1. Adoption of new financial procedures: Andrew has reviewed the existing document from 2013 and has proposed a new set of procedures to reflect the changing organisation and operating environment. There is a strong emphasis on security and controls related to the banking mandate, card spending caps, and regular transaction reviews. The policy was adopted.


  1. Barn project: It was resolved that a sub-committee will be formed to manage the commissioning of an architect to deliver a concept, final, and technical design. The sub-committee will utilise the concept design for local consultation and the subsequent fundraising campaign. The sub-committee will report to all trustee meetings and members will include Chris Smith, Andrew Oxley, David Roy, Derek Hoare, Alice Noakes, and (time allowing ) Antonia Gross. The timeline of the project during the 2018/19 trustee term was discussed and noted.


  1. Invitation to tender: The barn project invitation to tender document was reviewed and approved.


  1. Architect long list: It was resolved that all four architect firms on the long list should be invited to tender for the upcoming project


  1. Accounts: Andrew circulated the bank statements and discussed the management accounts to October. The plant sales variance was highlighted as well as the strong performance of community events. There are nine months of staff salaries in reserves.


  1. Staff reports: Kate presented the Director’s, Education, and Garden reports. AG would like to thank the Education team for excellent October results. Trustees discussed the contributing factors that could have affected the plant and produce sales.


  1. Dates of 2019 meetings were agreed:


January  16th

March 13th

May 15th

July 10th

September 18th

AGM September 29th

November 13th


  1. Minutes of September meeting were approved.