We offer a range of sessions year round!
All our sessions include hands-on activities and exploration of the garden. Our enthusiastic educators deliver:
- Curriculum linked sessions for primary schools
- Seasonal sessions for nurseries or pre-school groups
- Sensory learning sessions for groups of special needs pupils
- Bespoke sessions for secondary schools
- Fun sessions for clubs and uniform groups
Sessions are designed to make the most of our beautiful outdoor setting with the option of using Brockwell Barn to shelter from the weather. They are offered Monday-Wednesday all year round.
The primary school programme is outlined below. For all other sessions, get in touch for more information: education@brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk

Primary school sessions
Our programme includes four types of sessions that vary seasonally and can be adapted for EYFS, KS1 and KS2.
All activities are linked to the curriculum, are fully risk assessed and led by our experienced Children and Family Team.
1. How does a garden grow? (EYFS, KS1 and KS2)
In this session, children will investigate one or more of a plant’s life cycle stages. Why do plants have leaves? How do flowers turn to fruit? Why do seeds come in so many shapes and sizes? Each season will focus on a different life cycle stage, depending on what can be found on site.
2. The Edible Garden (EYFS, KS1 and KS2)
This session takes a look at the food we can grow in this country. What does it look like? What part of the plant do we eat? What food can be made from it? The extended session will include cooking and is available for KS1 or KS2 only.
3. Living Things and their Habitats (EYFS, KS1 and KS2)
What animals can be found on site? What do these animals look for in a home? This session is an exploration of the various habitats we have on site to find and learn about the animals that live here. Session includes a minibeast hunt and pond dipping (weather permitting).
4. Humans and the Environment (KS1 and KS2)
This session explores our link with the natural world. For KS1 we focus on the importance of a garden for plants, animals and people. For KS2, we look some of the less obvious benefits of a garden such as its role in the water cycle or the carbon cycle.
Standard session (1 hour for EYFS or 1 hour 15 min for others):
- £99+VAT Mainstream classes (15-30 pupils)
- £120+VAT for independent (fee paying) schools (up to 30 pupils)
- £49.50+VAT for groups of fewer than 15 pupils (including SEND classes)
Long session (two hours):
- £150+VAT Mainstream schools (15-30 pupils)
- £180+VAT for independent (fee paying) schools (15-30 pupils)
- £75+VAT for for groups of fewer than 15 pupils (including SEND classes)
Contact Us
In addition to these sessions, we are happy to work with your school to develop an adapted session that more closely meets your needs. Just get in touch!
For further information on these and other visits, please contact education@brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk