Being Mindful in Nature: A Nature-based Meditation Workshop

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This workshop has been postponed to due unforeseen circumstances. 

Do you struggle with meditation? Do you struggle to stay present when you meditate? Do you struggle with anxiety and tiredness?

Meditating in and with nature helps us be present and calm more easily than if we meditate indoors. In this afternoon session we will learn to focus, to soften, to meander, and find joy in our own local park!

We will aim to spend most/all of our time outdoors but do have the option to use the greenhouse if we get rained on, we will ease gently into our outdoor practice.

Many of us struggle with cultivating or maintaining a mindfulness practice. It is, in fact, easier and more natural to practice mindfulness in nature. Nature is a wonderful teacher, helping us more intuitively tap into feelings of peace, joy, and to be more present with the world around us.

We also know from recent studies that spending time in nature for even 10 minutes a day has profound impacts on our physiological and emotional wellbeing. So why not start here, with our wonderful gardens (and Deepti) as your guide!

Who is this workshop for?

Everyone! Whether you are new to meditation and mindfulness or a practitioner who wants to deepen their practice. If you love nature you’ll love this workshop!

What to bring

Sunscreen, water bottle and snack, extra warm layer, rain trouser and jacket, and camping stool/meditation cushion (portable)

There will be some waterproof sheets to sit on and we can carry a few chairs from the greenhouse if necessary, so don’t buy anything specifically for this session!


Tickets: Pay What You Can (£45 / £35 / £20)
Recommended price £35

Running time: 3 hours (including breaks)

If viewing on a phone please scroll to the bottom of the page to book. 

The workshop will be led by Deepti Sastry

Deepti is a trained yoga, vedic chanting, and mindfulness teacher. She has deep, abiding love of and faith in the yoga, chanting, and mindfulness traditions, hoping to offer these wonderful practices so others might find their own path to a loving heart, and peace. Deepti has over 3000 hours of yoga and meditation training and has also taught for over 3000 with teacher training schools and independently. More recently, Deepti has designed and delivered advanced philosophy and chanting courses for trained yoga teachers. Deepti is a trained mindfulness teacher with the Mindfulness Training Institute and is currently completing a nature-based mindfulness training with Mark Coleman (Awake in the Wild).

Pay What You Can

We are offering a Pay What You Can Scheme for these workshops to make them accessible to everyone. We know that ticket price is a huge barrier for some, and this Pay What You Can model offers people who can afford to pay a bit more the chance to support others who can’t.

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