Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses


Minutes of a Meeting of Trustees held at the BPCG on 10 July 2019


In Attendance:        Chris Smith (Chair), Liz Day, Antonia Gross, David Roy, Derek Hoare, Andrew Oxley, Kate Sebag (Director), Josh Piercey (invited).

Apologies:                Lucy Russell, Alice Noakes, Sarah Wales


  • Security

The meeting noted with thanks the report and the steps taken to improve the security of the BPCG assets. They confirmed that the incident did not constitute an event that needed reporting to the Charity Commission.

ABG agreed to investigate whether we were deficient in our registering with the ICO.


  • Status of 2018/19 Annual Accounts

The Treasurer reported that the Examiner had completed his work, subject to adding the Annual Report of Trustees. The Treasurer noted that in previous years this may have been confused with the Director’s Report to grant givers, influencers etc. He further advised the meeting that it covered specific topics and he would develop a report in discussion with the Chair.


  • Management Accounts to 30 June 2019

The Treasurer said he considered the results for the period to be very good. AG asked that some effort be put into the accuracy of the next budget on the IT/Phones and Insurance lines and again emphasised the importance of staff training, as it was not just a ‘nice’ budget line.


  • Other Financial Matters

The Trustees agreed that the funds in the Shawbrook Bank be reinvested with them for another 12 months, when the current account matured in August.

The Trustees agreed that Kate, Cat and Helen should apply for BPCG Bank Debit Cards when the proposed increased card security made one general card impractical.


  • Review of five-year plan and consequent funding proposals

The Chair outlined the need for a revised five-year plan as the current tight funding climate made it difficult for the BCPG to expect 40% grant funding as envisaged in the current plan.

He explained that in discussion with the Director the current thinking is that grant claims should be made as part of a plan to achieve self-sustainability for the BPCG with grant funding for specific activities such as ‘Better Fridays’.

The organisation chart and job descriptions presented were discussed and while receiving general support Trustees expressed a wish for further consideration on some aspects before they were ‘cast in stone’.

It was suggested that a simple ‘time-line’ be drawn for better understanding of the integration of the various developments in hand and expected.


  • Building Sub-Committee

The Chair reported that a pre-planning application for the Barn had been submitted to Lambeth Council with an initial meeting arranged for a date in August.

The Board thanked the Chair for his arranging discussions and subsequent support from Friends of Brockwell Park, the Community Partners and the Partnership Board.

He advises the Board that we had not yet received the 2000 ‘votes’ of support.


  • Just Giving Page

The Chair explained the creation of a ‘Just Giving page’ with a donation target of £10k as a contribution to the renovation of the UGH. With a total cost of around £25k, it is hoped that grants could be obtained to meet the balance.

The Board noted that there was no detailed plan but there is an urgent need to install the bar capping.

The Board was asked to consider giving via Just Giving and reminded that those who had enjoyed a pizza after a previous meeting had made a commitment to give.


  • Staff Reports

The Board noted with satisfaction these reports and requested Kate to pass on their appreciation to the staff on the work being done.


  • AGM

Board noted the arrangements for the AGM.


  • AOB

Kate asked all Boards members to stress the Brockwell Park vehicle use on site regulations to volunteers where appropriate.

Kate advise the Board that she had accepted an offer from the BBC to make a film of the BPCG in relation to the Lambeth Country Show for their programme Farmers Country Show Down. Final details would be circulated when available.