Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses
Trustee Meeting held on Zoom

Wednesday 13 May 2020 6.30pm


  1. Accounts for the year 2019/20
    1. Andrew will present the draft accounts for the year 2019/20


  1. We do not usually look at the first month’s figures but this year we are


  1. A scenario for survival and regrowth
    1. Andrew, Kate and Chris have prepared a paper and model which speculates about the easing of lockdown and implications for our operations and reserves. This contains both strategy and tactical responses and considers the timing of the reintroduction of our services whilst ensuring that the charity will remain solvent. 
    2. We are proposing significant cost conservation during the May 20 – March 21 period. Risk could remain in the winter of 2021/22 depending on performance. Further efforts to understand and mitigate that risk will be required.
    3. Trustees are invited to endorse this paper. 


  1. Capital projects
    1. Chris will answer questions on proposed revised milestones for GLA GGF
    2. Kate will answer questions on proposed revised outputs for GLA GGF
    3. Janet will comment on legal obligations required of the charity in a proposed contract with GLA


  1. Staff reports: Kate’s summary of actions taken since lockdown   Garden


  1. Any other trustee questions