- Volunteers were updated on the forthcoming school visits that will be taking place on Thursdays on the following dates:-
The times are:
Thursday 12th March 11.00am – 12.15pm 45 Y4 children
Thursday 26th March 1.15pm – 2.30pm 26 Y2 children
These visits will be the same format as last years’ sessions, where the whole class gather in the herb circle or lower greenhouse/ upper greenhouse if raining, then half of the class leave site and go out in the park/half of the class stay with Helen (BPCG Education Officer) then swap over.
2) Story Stompers will be restarting on Thursdays 19th March, 9.15am – 10.30am (also run by Helen) and all there will be a regular small group from 11am – 12noon (either German Kindergarten or a home school group.)
3) Now that the kitchen has got a lovely new set of shelves, drawers and an oven, volunteers discussed where the best place would be to put the microwave, bearing in mind Health and Safety requirements. It has been agreed that we will find a shelf for it so it does not need to be on the counter, but can also remain at a safe height.
4) The design and planting for the BPCG’s front gate borders was discussed as were some suggestions volunteers had for varieties of tree (i.e. Tillia cordata ‘Winter Orange’) which could look good in new planting running up to the new Barn entrance. As this has yet to be decided in conjunction with Lambeth Landscapes this discussion could go no further at this point. However it was mentioned that it is likely that when we reach the point where this decision needs to be made Lambeth Landscapes are likely be open to being guided by our ideas.
5) Plans for the new planting of the sensory bed were shared and discussed.